The ECOCA is made up of former members of College chapel Choir and others involved in the musical life of the Chapel. The Association has met for an annual evensong on College Chapel followed by a reunion dinner in College Hall since its inception in 1930. The primary focus of to provide a regular forum for former members of the College Chapel Choir to meet, maintain an active link with their present day successors and with Eton. All former members of the College chapel Choir, as well as organists and others involved in the musical life of College chapel, are encouraged to join. Over the years, we have been growing in numbers and it is pleasing to see that so many recent leavers have joined the ECOCA: The Association today has more than 250 members.
If you would be interested in re-connecting with the musical tradition of Eton, please email the secretary Robert Ponti, at, and we will add you to the mailing list and notify you of upcoming concerts involving OEs, our London drinks and annual reunion in November.
2023 Reunion - Friday 3rd November
Dear Old Chorister,I'm delighted to invite you to attend this year's Old Choristers' reunion, which will take place in Eton on Friday 3rd November.
Guests (male only) are actively encouraged to attend so please do bring along a partner or friend. The committee and I are looking forward to welcoming you back so do send me your acceptances early to avoid disappointment!
As usual, we are kindly being hosted by Eton in College Hall, where the traditional Old Choristers' dinner will take place after Evensong in College Chapel.
It also gives me great pleasure to welcome back former Eton Precentor, Ralph Allwood, as this year's guest speaker.
The timetable and booking process are detailed below. A personal thank you to all those who made an additional donation to the Association with their booking in previous years; the response has been very generous indeed. These donations will go into the Centenary fund (which we have already started building) and go a long way in supporting music-making at Eton.
Best wishes,
Robert Ponti
ECOCA Secretary
2023 Reunion Timetable
1300 Optional Lunch (Waterman's Arms)1530 Old Choristers' tour of College Library
1700 OC Remembrance (War Memorial)
1715 AGM (Upper School)
1815 Evensong (College Chapel)
1915 Drinks (Election Hall)
2000 Dinner (College Hall)
2200 Post-dinner drinks (outside school premises)
Reunion Booking
Members are requested to book their place at this year's reunion dinner by Wednesday 18th October. Please send an email to for details about payment and dietary requirements.
19/08/2023: Alan Luck OC
Dear OCs,
It is with sadness that I inform you, belatedly, that Allan Luck passed away on 26th February. As many of you know, Allan had battled with prostate cancer for a long time and so our thoughts and prayers go to his family.
Allan attended the Choir School from 1960-1963 and was a regular at the annual dinner. His family were touched that several OCs attended his funeral sporting the OC tie. His contribution and good humour will not be forgotten and the ECOCA will be giving a donation to Prostate Cancer UK.
Robert Ponti
Please notify the webmaster for updates.